My hour

What's your favourite part of the day? Mine is Dusk, when light creates the most beautiful artistic hues in the sky. Time almost seems to standstill and you can feel the immense expanse of the universe. As the light slowly slips away, a few early stars shimmer in the blue hour. Birds twitter their goodnites to each other, probably doing a head count of their flock as everything changes into silky, inky silhouettes.

I love it not just coz it's so surreal but because it signals the end of the day, a time to unwind and reflect.  A time to take a few moments to stop, breathe deeply and take in the beauty of this world we live in. On another note, I'm not a morning person so dawn is a rare sight for me and missed while sneezing and snoozing before I'm fully awake.

My husband once wrote me a lore and it ended thus,

When twilight draws it's curtain and pins in with a star,
remember there's someone who loves you, wherever you are.....

Any wonder why I'm all serenely mellow and dreamy when the sky begins to melt into darkness?


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