Britain has been besieged by a blisteringly cold arctic wave all this week causing people to stay more indoors to keep warm. Today the sun came out to cheer us up and dispel some of the gloomy weather. The snow shimmered in the bright sunshine but it still remains cold.
I prefer to stay home in such low temperatures and having just moved into a new apartment which is yet to be set up, I sometimes find myself lacking in ways to keep me amused. It is on days like these that I’m thankful for the view from my window. The hill and its activity, my backyard and its wildlife (more about all that in another post) and the sky!
I love to day dream though and never thought how useful this seemingly futile exercise could be. One of my favourite pastimes is to simply gaze at the sky. I’ve always believed it to be God’s canvas. I cannot explain the calm and serene feeling it brings upon me as my mind is silenced in awe of the beauty it beholds. Sometimes it also brings immense joy when I feel like jumping and skipping like a little school girl. :)
This morning the sun brought with it a patch of clear blue skies which is an instant mood lifter. These days the sky-scape is a rapidly changing one, thanks to the wind. As I look outside I see that the clouds have gathered in what was, but sometime ago, azure. They make a neat pattern, like fish scales. It seems as if there is a gigantic white fish with a blazing golden eye…..unusual and rare. Soon it will go grey as the sun bids adieu in the late afternoon to another cold winter’s day.
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